ΝD leads SYRIZA by 22.1% according to GPO poll

GPO conducted the first post-election, nationwide poll nearly three months after the re-election of the N.D. government and immediately following the election of the new leader of the official opposition party. During the period between June 25, the country was hit by severe weather conditions that tested the government’s resilience and the readiness of the state mechanism. The other major political event is the recent election of Mr. Kasselakis, who appeared out of nowhere and achieved, through a targeted communication campaign, what seemed unthinkable a month ago: to become the successor of Mr. Tsipras in the leadership of SYRIZA.

This first survey of the current political period attempted to investigate the impact of these events on public opinion.

Among other things, 60.7% of the public believes that the new leader of SYRIZA is losing to Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Voting intentions:

N.D.: 37.5%
SYRIZA: 15.4%
PASOK: 10%
KKE: 6.3%
LAOS: 2.2%
Greek Solution: 4.3%
Victory: 2.3%
Movement of Freedom: 2.7%
Undecided: 10.1%.

Preferred Prime Minister:

Kyriakos Mitsotakis: 49.4%
Stefanos Kasselakis: 15.9%.

Can Stefanos Kasselakis defeat Kyriakos Mitsotakis?

No – Probably not: 60.7%
Yes – Probably yes: 32.1%.

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